Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Bootcamp Day #1: How To Use Our System To Get The Results That You Want

Bootcamp Day #1: How To Use Our System To Get The Results That You Want

This is the secret ‘8 Step Formula‘ that I’ve used to:

* Personally Sponsor More than 4,000 Paid Affiliates Into Different Companies and Opportunities (without picking up the phone)

* Grow businesses in excess of 15,500 paid customers in less than 75 days

* Pay affiliates more than $1.2 million per month from month one of launching the Empower Network…

…and much, much more. Enjoy the vid:

Bootcamp Day #1: How To Use Our System To Get The Results That You Want

In the next few days, I’m going to teach you how to:
…create viral, sustainable traffic

…generate leads on autopilot

…and recruit 2-5 people per day into any business you desire

If you like this video, leave a comment…

…and I’ll see you on the beaches of the world.

-David Wood

c/o admin

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Build 25 Unique Backlinks to Your Pages Every Single Day, FREE!

Building backlinks to your pages is an essential part of SEO (short for Search Engine Optimization) for two reasons. The first reason is that it helps your pages get indexed faster, which is very important because you want the search engines to find them as soon as possible and crawl them regularly. The second reason is that it helps your pages get higher search engine rankings for the keywords of your choice. The more backlinks you have, the better. Period.

However, building backlinks can be a time-consuming, boring process. You can outsource the process to an agency and pay a lot of money... Or you can do it yourself with SocialMonkee! SocialMonkee is an instant backlink builder allowing you to build 25 unique backlinks, every day, FREE! All links are on unique C-Class IP addresses and domains. Imagine being able to create 25 unique backlinks every day, with the click of a button, FREE! Well, you can stop imagining...

So, 25 unique backlinks every day... That's a total of 175 backlinks every week, 750 every month. If you upgrade, you will be able to build 100 uniques backlinks, 3 times a day! That's a total of 2,100 backlinks every week, 9,000 every month! The good news is... you can get a Premium Account, FREE! All you need to do is to refer 12 members, and your account will automatically be upgraded. If you're not really into referral marketing, you may upgrade right now for a low one-time fee.

Submitting a page to SocialMonkee via the members area takes under two minutes, but there's an even faster way! They created a Firefox plugin that allows you to submit your page to up to 100 sites in just a few clicks, using nothing else than Firefox! If you have a Premium Account you will also get access to link reports and RSS feeds, which are great to keep track of your backlinks and get them indexed fast. Submitting your RSS feeds to RSS submitters is actually a very important step in link building.

So what are you waiting for? Join SocialMonkee now while it's still free!

Submit your 
content Every Day to 25 social 
bookmarking sites, all on unique 
C class IPs... FREE.

To learn more about how to increase your online income click here

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

No More Excuses

No More Excuses

As I stand at the sink washing what seems like my millionth soiled glass . . .

I hear myself urging my daughter to follow her dreams and not to let anything or anyone tell her she can't, and it feels hollow somehow.

I fade into myself and all the dreams I have had in my life that were put on a shelf because I listened to someone's discouragements. I recall my dream of singing for a living and my need to express my deepest emotions through song. What stopped me?  

The answer comes to me (as it did back then) as I recall the night I sat in my car in the parking lot, staring at the door to the studio I was to audition to sing lead for an established local band. Fear of failing, I started the ignition an drove slowly away. The knowledge that I would be standing naked, defenceless and raw before a band of strangers who could totally reject me was too much to bare.

At the time,
I felt that allowing myself to be that vulnerable was worse than living with the knowledge that I gave up before I began. I never fully returned to that dream. My heart just wasn't in it enough to do all the hard work it would take to get where I want.
My thoughts fast forward twelve years.
     My marriage is falling apart because I can't deal with the pain, loneliness, and unhealthiness of my environment. I see several advertisements for auditions for modelling and acting agencies.
The first cattle call is held at The Docks in Toronto and I quickly discover  that it is actually a feeder audition - a front - for pornographic film productions. The call me and ask if I would be interested in doing films which will make me $1500 a piece. I decline the offer, regardless of how lucrative and in-obtrusive they made it seem. It is just something I am not interested in doing so I cross that off the list.
The next was for a management agency for film and commercials. The agency was IN Group. They seem somewhat legit so I pay for head shots and  get the full make up and photo shoot experience. My heart wasn't really in this either so I didn't wow them. My gut kept telling me this was not all that it seemed. After the shoot was complete and I met with them to pick up my head shots, I learned that there were more fees and then they would take a commission on top. They were an agency who makes their real income from their clients who pay hundreds of dollars to have them represent them and not in the film or advertisements.
So I go home and cross another hopeful off the list.
The next was a modelling agency.
As I sit in the lobby reading their propaganda and listening to the other hopefuls speak with the "agents" (I use that term loosely), I quickly realize that this was just a fly-by-night scam agency.
They were just there to make money from the dreams of many.
They told a little girl (and her mother) that she had potential but needed modelling training which would cost thousands of dollars and a portfolio which would cost hundreds of dollars . . . and then there was the agency fees and on and on but always with the promise of stardom.

Reeling from the dollar signs, I left that place.

I found out after that they real agencies don't charge you to get involved but will take a commission (referral fee) when you work. They make their money keeping you busy.

I was informed of a local agency who just asked for a headshot, short bio including height, weight, hair color, eye color and birth date and an enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope for them to send your info back to you if will not represent you.

I sent in my info and received it back in a few weeks. I was impressed by their integrity and professionalism but not surprise in the least. I expected as much because modelling and acting were really not dreams of mine.

It was not the path for me.

I was still avoiding my real dream. . . the one I have had since I was young. . .

My thoughts drift to another dream - a more true to me kind of dream. The dream of being a published writer. I have been writing stories and poems from the time I learned the magical power of taking a writing implement and forming letters and words on a page.

Writing with a pen and paper is meta-cognitive. The words and story flow from my subconsciousness through my arm to my hand and onto the page in a mystical and almost spiritual way. Like my reader, I don't know the story until it takes shape on the page, much of the time.

In my youth, I called these sudden impulsive bursts that I have to write down - because they eat at me and take over all my thought processes until I do - brainwaves.

These brainwaves come to my attention as a phrase or even just an image accompanied by anxious energy. It is that sense of urgency that compels - no forces - me to write it down. I learned over the years, that if I fight the urge and do not put pen to paper while that feeling is strong, it will fade and eventually disappear along with the words. There is no writing that piece later. The thought is lost and so is the story.

     In my teen years and young adult life, I wrote prolifically. The brainwaves flow also during times of trouble. I even made a personal oath that when I began to write professionally I would use the first name my mother wanted for me as my pen name. 
That's exactly what they were:  brainwaves. They still happen but for many years, I stopped putting a pen and pad by my bed and in easy reach . . .
I had stopped writing.
Much of the last thirteen years of my life have been filled with raising children, returning to school and struggling to make inroads into an incredibly stable career. A career that would, I thought, allow me the freedom to return to my writing.

At every decade year, my reflections remind me of this longing . . .

. . . longing to write something substantial and be able to say "I am a writer" when asked what I do and for it to be true and not just a hobby I do in my spare time.

Fast forward to the present.

I have been struggling to make it in the teaching profession
doing whatever I can to earn that coveted holy grail
called a permanent teaching position for four years now
and from what I know it could be five more years
before anything opens up.
I began doing personal inventory . . . looking at my dreams and personal ambitions.
I have the time to write and have nothing to lose.
I am at the lowest I want to be.

I am again feeling the desire to write and make it my life and career.

I search the net for opportunities to give this writing professionally dream a fair and diligent shot. I know that the novel is at least a year away from completion. Hell! It hasn't even progressed beyond the research and incubation stage.
I have so many ideas.
Narrowing in and focusing on just one thing has never been a skill of mine.

I look at the life I have and what I am unable to provide for myself or my three children and know I have to make a change and fast.

I decide to work on my writing and see where it can take me.
I began blogging daily here in the Empower Network
(where I also am provided with a great venue to promote my own writing, learn about effective marketing, and earn 100% commission while I am at it . . . it's a Win Win)
and elsewhere because practice makes better.
I also created a website where I publish some of my writings and share in my journey to becoming a published writer.
I know that writing is what I need to do to feel complete and accomplished. Writing is what I was born to do. I love it and need to do it.
Writing is one dream that won't let me go.
It tugs at me and pulls me to opportunities that I have ignored so often. Well, not anymore.
I have nothing to lose because I am near bottom and refuse to go any lower. I have been at my bottom and will fight with everything in me to keep from going there again.
So now I have made the necessary mental shift: no more using my children, economic situation or pragmatism as excuses. I no longer fear failing because not doing is failure:  failure to be true to myself; failure to show my children that they need to follow their dreams and stay true to themselves not matter what.
And so . . .
I begin my journey full of ideas and excitement. I can hardly wait to announce: 
"I finished my first book."
Completing things has always been a challenge for me.
It took until my late 30s to finish my undergraduate degree and teaching certificate. The pride I felt when I received those pieces of paper telling me that I actually finished something I started was so exhilarating. I long to feel it again.
Stay tuned while I share my journey with you.
My children are my motivation and my inspiration. The deserve a better life and so do I. I want to teach them to never give up on their dreams. I had to learn it the hard way.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

So what exactly does the Empower Network do?

So what exactly does the Empower Network do?

Click here to learn just how the Empower Network has taken the internet marketing world by storm.

The Empower Network's power lies in its viral and massive blogging system and its outstanding training seminars and Power Hours.

To see just what I mean click here the link below:

How to earn 100% commissions today

You may be saying to yourself:

Why should I join the Empower Network blog when I can blog for free?

Reason #1

Over 12 000 people all blogging under the same blog site about similar topics = fantastic rankings on Google

Reason #2

The Empower Network blogging system has sharing options - Twitter, Stumbleupon, Facebook built right in so you don't have to set them up yourself.

Reason #3

Whenever you publish your blog here it simultaneously sends a post to your Facebook page - be it your personal or business page. You set up the page URL and Empower Network does the rest!!

Reason #4

There are at least 12 000 fellow members who are eager to read and comment on your posts. Comments increase your rankings even further.

Check out the views, likes and shares in the upper left corner of this blog post alone...

If you think that you can do the same thing with one lonely blog in a see of so many, go for it!!

I know you will be back when you see how impossible that is.

When I first stumbled upon the Empower Network... 

and I mean stumbled because I was doing what I had been doing for weeks, searching aimlessly for something of value and concrete in the network marketing world. 

I was on Facebook when I saw and add promising 100% Commission.

Skeptical but incredibly curious,  I clicked the ad to see what it offered . . .

I was immediately impressed at how casual it was. 
No fancy cars, mansions on the ocean, private jets or fancy clothes. 

Just a guy with long curly (dare I say, unruly) hair in a tank top with a gorgeous view and a whiteboard. What he said was sincere, straight to the point and what I had been thinking for a long time. There had to be another way. Those gurus are simply making money selling you information and they don't really care if you use it or even if it works.

Dave Wood was offering something different, something tangible, an actual physical product that I could utilize immediately and market the Empower Network and any other product or service I want - even my affiliate marketing wares!!

I didn't join right away because I believe that impulsive choices of any kind lead to trouble.

If it is right and of value now it will be of value tomorrow or the next day or the next.

So I continued my research and explorations and put the Empower Network on the backburner. . .

I checked anything being offered for free:

The Affiliate Traffic Jam,

some of what Ryan Deiss is offering (which is great stuff but still just information),

and the list goes on.

In the end . . .

I felt that the only people offering me something of real substance (where I can apply all that free information) - a viral blogging system - was the Empower Network. So I joined and began blogging right away.

I decided to give this system 90 days.

I am totally new and do not have a list of prospects or leads,

but since starting only 3 weeks ago,

a buzz is building.

I know that I need to join the Empower Network Inner Circle to truly make the REAL MONEY because that is where all the golden information is...
all the tips from the best, skills needed to really succeed, connections, audio, Power Hour sessions, and so much more . . .

But before I do,

I am going to go to fiverr.com and One Hour Backlinks and purchase some links and create some buzz.

I learned from the many sources of great information out there the importance of backlinks to boost your rank and get those needed leads.

Guarantee Google Finds Your Links http://Linklicious.me

I am also going to create some vid content.

YouTube is the place to post quick and dirty infomercials or vids because the traffic at YouTube is out of this world and growing exponentially. That is where so many go first when they want to know about ANYTHING...

Much as I know that the Inner Circle is my next destination, there is not much point in entering if I do not have any leads, prospects, or customers who will be joining with me and earning me that $100 a piece monthly residual income.

So Step 3 for me (Step 1 was join the Empower Network, Step 2 was blog daily) is to generate online buzz and build my brand. Once that starts happening, I will move to Step 4 - join the Empower Network Inner Circle

I know in my head that waiting is not helping me and I could be missing out on $100s  even $1000s in income right now because you cannot earn from something you are not a part of - makes sense (otherwise it would be hypocritical) but my pessimistic skeptical side has the upper hand right now. . . but not for long. I know I will be on to Step 4 within the month and once you see what the Inner Circle will do for you . . . you will too!

If you find a way to make the kind of income Empower Network promises out there on your own, I would love to hear about it. Post it in the comments below.

In the meantime, check out the rest of my blog.

I also have a facebook page which has all kinds of marketing information.

 All of it will just show you how daunting a task it really is to get views and rankings all on your own.

When you have had enough of slugging it alone and getting nowhere... come back and see an easier and better way.

Join the Empower Network and start making the money you deserve


Monday, 9 January 2012

How to Viralize your video in 2 minutes

How to Viralize your video in 2 minutes

Click Here!

Creating marketing videos is the fastest way to generate traffic and sales today. Uploading them onto YouTube, Livestream, Vimeo, Vevo, and so on is a great way to get your products or services known to the masses.

Hundreds of thousands of people are sharing, viewing and commenting on videos about absolutely everything every day!

In order to turn casual viewers into prospects and even instant customers, you need to include a powerful yet subtle call to action. This is something many struggle with - finding the right balance between pushing to close the deal and turning the viewer off.

You may ask yourself, how do I create the most effective and positive call to action?

How do I make sure my informational marketing video gets noticed in the labyrinth?

This is where Viralvideo comes in. . .

Video Is The Hottest & Easiest Way To Market, If You Have The Right Tools!

Viral Video Is The Most Powerful, Feature Packed Tool that will have your video go viral in minutes!!

Watch here!!

To Learn How to Increase Your Video Views by Up to 497% and Direct Your Viewers Exactly Where You Want Them to Go, Click Here!

Monday, 2 January 2012

Just what can AWeber do for you? . . . Almost Everything!

Just what can AWeber do for you? . . . Almost Everything!

Anyone involved in affiliate marketing or marketing their business on any platform, knows that you need to build a list of prospects who will in turn become customers and, in the case of Empower Network, ultimately, affiliates and partners.

To build the list of potential customers, you need to put content out there and build trust. The best way to build trust and generate a list is to blog on your own blogs, comment on others and get your message and brand out there as much as possible.

So you put your self out there and spread your net wide... but how do you get that email list?
AWeber has the solution. Learn in under three minutes how you can create and publish opt-in forms to your website using AWeber's web form tool. The best emails in the world aren't worth anything if you're not collecting opt-in subscribers.

Learn in under three minutes how you can create and publish opt-in forms to your website using AWeber's web form tool.

We'll talk about:

How to quickly create a form.
Why one opt-in form may not be enough.
Where on your page to put your form(s). Watch the video below:


AWeber offers free webinars on how to get started. To sign up click HERE

Sign up and if you cannot attend, AWeber will send you links to the recorded version so you can watch it over and over again.

Many of you may already be using RSS. AWeber has tools to help you convert from RSS to Email. Watch the video below to learn how they do it! I have not gotten in to RSS just yet. I am still working on getting my blogs and websites to generate lists. I am in the process of setting up opt-in pages for them so that I can build my lists.

Simple RSS to Email by AWeber Communications

If you have more than one business you are marketing or want to market, AWeber allows for multiple lists that can have unique email follow-ups, sign-up pages, opt-in pages, unsubscribe pages, email newsletters, RSS to Email feeds.

Automate Your Email Marketing with AWeber

What AWeber can do for you is fantastic!! It takes the headaches out of marketing so you can focus on getting that traffic and funnel marketing to build long term relationships with the dedicated few.

Right now AWeber is offering a 1 month trial for $1. So there is absolutely no risk in seeing what AWeber can do for you and so much to gain!!
As you may have already picked up on, I am new to this business realm and still at the content building stage. The learning curve is huge and I feel alive because of it!! To read more about my journey click here.

Thank you Empower Network. You have opened my eyes to a bold new world!!